Low-priced photon counter-passively quenched COUNT® S
The single photon counting module COUNT® series has added a new photon counter-the COUNT®S module. Like other modules, it is also known for its high quantum efficiency, and has a larger photosensitive area. The diameter of the photosensitive surface reaches 500um, which is conducive to light focusing. These photon counters are passively quenched, so they are also the cheapest choice, very suitable for research or school internships in the fields of quantum optics and quantum information.
The dead time of the COUNT®S series is about 1us, which makes its maximum count rate reach 1Mcps; the dark count rate is between 1000cps-3000cps.
Features: The incident photon generates an electronic pulse in the detector, and then outputs it with TTL. PSU has plug-and-play modules to choose from. All COUNT®S products can be equipped with an FC/PC fiber optic coupler.